Monday, April 18, 2011

Calvin and Hobbes on War

Given with whats been happening in the world, I feel this takes that and shows us that the innocent have a greater understanding of whats right, whats wrong and whats ridiculous.


ncchapman said...

Lol I love that.

ShellSc said...

I agree it has a good point

Robert said...

I remember when this particular Calvin and Hobbs strip came out. "Loathsome, godless, Communist oppressor" . . . LOL!!!

That's kinda how we referred to anything coming out of Russia back in the 80s. ;-)

WatchingStars said...

There is always something hidden behind every Calvin & Hobbes strip..

ncchapman said...

Hey Serge,

Why'd you take some of your work down from your online store? I may or may not have(hint: I did) lose the picture of the lightbulb in water while I was moving and I absolutely must buy it again. It was my favorite. So nice I'mma buy it twice.

Lenn (soulessaint) said...

Love this!! The actions are so counter-productive

aquarium supplies said...

Calvin and Hobbes is my favorite comic strip ever!