Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday Vlog Episode #11



Aquaryan said...

Good Evening, Serg! Glad to see the Vlog came back, tonight. I am still working on my photography. I have not captured a good photo to share with you, guys and gals.

I cannot wait to see the new episodes of Paranormal State. Are you going to do more things (ie directing, etc) with the show?

Take care!

PS: Have a great 4th of July in case you do not get another Vlog done before then.

ShellSc said...

Welcome back Serg!

I hope you have a safe 4th of July and trip to the case. I can't wait to see the new season of Paranormal State.


Tem78 said...

Welcome back! I've missed the vlog.

The G20 really was a spectacle, the rioting and destruction was caused by a group using Black Bloc tactics. Sadly, I live about 5 blocks from where all the major stuff happens, and we were afraid to leave our house. Quite a horrible thing to watch, and I feel disappointment in society.

I agree, we need to do something, and stand up, but in a peaceful fashion. It will most likely yield much better results.

Enjoy your 4th of July!

Blackbird said...

I was one of the Citizen Bloggers for the CBC, so I had a unique view of the Summit. I basically locked myself down after the rest of the secure area went into lock down on Saturday. I used my roof (19th floor) as a vantage point, but couldn't see too much. It's just a small group of people that made the rest look bad, and resulted in sundays 'crackdown' on peaceful protesters. I was following the TorontoPolice on twitter, and they admitted as much.
I'm not as concerned about the violence by a small group as I am about the arrest and detention of journalists and some of the police statements.

I'm going to cut this short with a link to my experiences with the Summit. It's by no means complete.

Shannon said...

Hey Serg! Glad to see you alive and drinking the ol' green.

I will add to the G20 craziness.

What happened was a smaller group of people set on violence broke through police lines and destroyed the entire downtown core (broken windows, cop cars on fire, bricks thrown, blood, etc) which caused the police to then see fit to charge at/attack and arrest many peaceful protests (approx 10, 000 people strong) over the next 36 hours.

One riot took place around the corner where I live and I was 5 mins away from getting rubber bullets shot at me. They arrested about 600 or so people in total over 2 1/2 days. That should give you an idea of how bad it was.

I myself cannot believe something like this happened in Canada let alone in the city where I live. Big eye opener for me. Be glad you were far far away from here!

Have a good case! :)

Tania Maria Harris said...

Hey Serge, forgive me if I make any typos. I have a bandage on my wrist :(

I just wanted to comment on photography being a form of art therapy. I believe this to be true in so many ways Serge. Personally, I am not a photographer but I believe as a spectator art can bring about so many emotions, emotions that have been buried deep inside of your soul for who knows how long.

For example, looking at a photograph of my daddy holding me as a small child reminds me that no matter what he may say to me or how mad I may get at him he will always love me and be there to carry me when I am in need. It makes me cry just thinking of that because too often I think that, because of what he says, he is out to ruin my life. But a simple photograph, just a moment in time that may have been lost forever if it wasn't for this form of art, brings me back to reality. And the reality is, is that daddy loves his little girl.

It's also therapeutic in another way, I use to work in an art gallery and one of my favourite forms of art was nude photography and no, I don't mean pornography in any sort of way, lets just make that clear. I mean a small glimpse of a naked back or a loving couple embracing each other so tightly that you can feel the passion coming off of their nude bodes. There is just something sexy, something engearing about it.

Recently I have gained some weight and as a result I have become self consious about my body. I have, however, made a promise to myself. The promise is If I lose the weight that I have gained I will get pictures taken of myself in such a way. Believe it or not, I have already lost 10 pounds and because of the weight lose I am happier and getting my confidence back!!!

Anyways my wrist is starting to kill me so I should say goodbye! would love to talk more about this with you at ft9! much love!


frogie014 said...

Don't ever apologize about your mistakes or fret when you stumble over words.It shows your human like the rest of us.I've been diagnosed with seasonal depression-the things doctors come up with amazes me-which pretty much means my mind follows the weather.Not enough sunny days I'm partly cloudy.On those days I go out and take pictures.Its suprising how much beauty you can find looking through a lens.

White Russian said...

Hey Everyone,

Wow, thank you to the Canadians for clearing things up. I can't imagine what it would feel like to get caught in the middle of the streets with all that going on.

I guess the biggest reason that people protest during these economic get togethers is because its so secretive. But I bet its secretive for a reason. Whatever they are hiding, they probably believe that if we heard about it, we would all be upset.

But, folks, I have to go run and do an investigation...

Have a great week everyone,

Trista said...

Wow, that friend of yours named Trista has really great ideas. :)

Becca said...

Nice to have a vlog again! Sorry about the hectic schedule - but isn't it better (sometimes anyway) to be busy than bored? I know it'd make time go by quicker at my job if I had something to do the whole time! Then again, I wouldn't have time to watch your vlog either so...hmm.

If you can't rant on a vlog, where can you? You make some interesting points, and I see what you're saying about a shift coming. I wonder how long it will actually take.

I think photography absolutely can be therapeutic. I'm interested to see where that goes.

Hope you had a great week and an awesome fourth of July!!

Take it easy,

ambermarie314 said...

Hey Serg! This is my first visit to your blog, and I have to say that you are a beautiful photographer. I can't wait to see more of your stuff, and I hope you have a great summer, from a fellow Central Pennsylvanian!

LouiseASmalldon said...

"Mr BP taking a dump in the sandbox"

Not an image i wish to have lol