Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a happy 420 day. Ryan pointed this important video out to me and I though I would share it with everyone.
Time to get lost.
How does the drug war affect American children?
- Nearly 2 million minors have at least one parent behind bars in the U.S.(1) Fueled largely by the drug war, the incarcerated population in the United States has ballooned from 500,000 in 1980(2) to more than 2 million people in 2000.(3) There are now nearly half a million non-violent drug offenders in federal, state, and local prisons and jails for violating a drug law(4) - a greater number than Western Europe incarcerates for all offenses. Many non-violent drug offenders are first time offenders, and an increasing number are women - 7 out of 10 of whom have a child under the age of 18.(5)
- Juvenile arrest rates for drug law violations continue to rise - up 86% between 1989 and 1998.(8) While the Office of National Drug Control Policy says that one of its top priorities is to prevent children from using drugs, it spent only 10% of its fiscal year 2000 Federal Drug Control Budget on drug prevention programs, while nearly 50% of the budget was allocated to criminal justice and an additional 10% was spent on interdiction.(9)
- The drug war unfairly limits young people's access to higher education. The Higher Education Act, passed by Congress in 1998, restricts eligibility for any federal grant, loan or work assistance program for students convicted of a drug related offens
e, including simple marijuana possession.(10) Murderers and rapists are not subject to sanction under the Act.source
This is a war. A war that goes beyond just guns and death. This war is costing us a lot more then we can ever realize. First of, any person who thinks that the illegalization of marijuana helps protect you and your children, then I can only assume that you may want think about taking up another cause. How to illegalize things like alcohol and tabacco as well. But why stop there. Lets look at the effect fast foods have on the population. How many people are becoming dangerously over weight every year. ( Between 1962 and the year 2000, the number of obese Americans grew from 13% to an alarming 31% of the population.source)
A war, that when finally is over, can help us put our efforts into something so much more productive. But all this comes with due time. When the world is ready for a change, it will come. I apologize if this came by unexpectedly; I am not looking to enter this war. I am just sharing what position I take up and why.
haha wow, well since a ton of people smoke the stuff anyways, why not make it legal, or at least let the indiv states decide!
personally, im not into it, but as they say: 'whatever floats your boat', if it helps ya get thru the day, then go ahead!
Here's another really interesting one...http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1657827965975839596&ei=0anaSfjWJJLy-gHO4ZCJCQ&q=union+business+behind+getting+high
It's like 2 hours long though. I think it's in this one.. or another video I saw where this guy had seizures every 5 minutes or so and couldn't speak, then he'd smoke a bowl and he wouldn't talk normally but he'd stop having seizures. It was insane.
Anyways, I shall not be celebrating today because I have strep throat. And on a sadder note.. it's the 10 year anniversary of the shooting at columbine. It's nice to remember the past so we can stop such tragedies from happening in the future.
And NOW we all know what you and ryan were doing in amsterdam.. you naughty boys.
YES. serg, you're my new best friend. one day i hope we can just chill out, smoke a bowl and be merry. :)
Happy 420. Celebrate accordingly.
I can't believe you two. Look at all the people who look up to you, and you're advocating drugs?? Ryan's MySpace response is ridiculous. There are KIDS responding about this crap. THINK IT THROUGH for just a minute.
I agree with the anon.
I'm not really a kid anymore, i'm turning 20 tomorrow, but this kind of askewed what I thought about you guys :/
I am shocked, but in an amused way. I do agree, that it shouldn't be illegal (I'm from Canada... British Columbia to narrow it down, so the whole "LEGALIZE IT" debate comes up atleast every six hours or so), I just never thought of all the blogs I read, this would be the only one talking about 420. I don't smoke it, because smoking anything in general freaks me out, but I have respect for you voicing your opinion.
I am just... shocked.
I am extremely disappointed. You've lost my respect.
Perhaps the government should allow all drugs/prostitution to become legal, taxed and controlled. It could become a new American game - "choose your own vice." Wouldn't that truly be liberating for the country?
This is intended sarcasm with nor harm intended...
You guys are nucking futs. ESPECIALLY coming from the younger people. I think that gay marriage, the economy, and the legalization of marijuana are one the biggest problems we'll face in our generations. You can't always listen to what you've been taught, sometimes it's WRONG. And times are a changing so before you voice your opinion against it, balance out the pros and the cons.
I dont think that Sergey or Ryan said anything CONDONING the use of marijuana. I think that they're just liberal, well informed, and understanding. If anything they are teaching things of importance, unlike most people who have the ability to say things that will impact and change a generation and choose not too.
And sure.. I smoke pot every once in a while, quit for 4 years, and now smoke it very, very occasionally. I stopped because I thought what I was doing was wrong, and I changed my mind because it isn't. It's just a situation that I cannot respect someone's opposing opinion on, because your opinion is wrong.
And all of YOU guys should think it through. You fuel my anger. Good and bad isn't black and white, friends.
ncchapman's last opinionated comment is opinionated.
thank you, ncchapman, for expressing a neutral opinion WITHOUT "being shocked" by things that have been said. folks, think before you become outraged. what were you doing in your teens and being a young adult in college? yeees you did some "inappropriate" things as well, so don't shake your finger at something you once did. and plus, wouldn't you want your kids to be using something natural rather than man made? (ex: heroin, ecstasy, etc.) educate yourselves! things could be extremely worse.
Well said, ncchapman.
Just look at what happened to Amsterdam. They are struggling to get a decent name for themselves, (i.e cut-down on prostitution and marijuana)
It's not like Serg said in his blogs that if it becomes legalized, he's gonna be "tokin it up" every day. He never said he takes a hit now. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Either way, it's his life. It shouldn't matter to us what he does or does not do in his free time. It is no secret that they go out to bars and drink. Is anyone going to chastize them for having a beer? No. I think not.
I personally agree with the arguements as to why it should be legalized. I do not smoke marijuana, but there are so many worsse things that are going unnoticed or unpunished.
Also, a little side note.
Just because someone has a stance on an issue does not mean that is their lifestyle, persay.
For example-If one is pro-gay marriage, does this mean they are gay?
If one is pro-choice in abortion issues, does this mean they had an abortion?
Props to you Serg for stating your opinion.
Wow...That's intense!
That's all I have on that subject, I just can't seem to think of anything more to say. Apart from wow!
Although I am do not smoke anything, I do happen to agree with your liberal thoughts on legalising small amounts of pot for recreational use. This isn't the era of Prohibition but some of the antiquated laws on the books DO punish someone caught with marijuana worse than if that person had commited armed robbery.Unfortunetly, no matter how much we may rally and celebrate 420 Day, it isn't likely to happen anytime soon. And contrary to what some of the people on here are saying, nobody ever signed you and Ry up to be role models. People need to THINK about what is important to each of them, NOT what they think someone is being or saying. Thanks for keeping us informed, Serg.
Rock on.
ncchapman is right, that Serg is not saying go out and smoke up. If you people look up to these guys so much, you'd realize a few things aobut them, and one thing is that they like to make us THINK. I'm not at all sure where I stand on this issue. I can understand medical use, but I'm really unsure of even having an opinion about totally legalizing it. So you know what I am going to do? I'm going to a series of books called Opposing Viewpoints--your local library may even have a subscription to the database (I cannot give my my library's log in for legal reasons)--and I am going to read up on BOTH SIDES of the issue.
If Serg and Ryan pissed you off with their blogs, good! Maybe it will make you go and read up on this whole debate. OMG, what would you people do or say if they came out and said they favor same-sex marriage?
Serg, Ryan, thank you for being brave enough to post about something so controversial. You've once again jolted my brain cells into trying to figure out where I stand on this issue.
hmm.. ok people need to chill, did Serg say that he smokes it? did he say he condones it? i dont think so, he simply presented an issue and made us think about it, maybe something we dont usually think about.
times are changing, we need to adapt to these times and maybe it is time for a change
but is it really for us to tell serg what to do with his life? he didnt sign up to be a role model, no one asked him if he wanted to be one
its his life let him do what he wants, although serg never actually said he smokes it, maybe he does maybe he doesnt
Serg, thanks for presenting the issue to us and making us think, i think with all the varied responses and some people getting upset, that means your blog is doing its job and its a good one!
Holy Smokes Batman! Nothing like a little controversy to get peeps all fired up!
I definitely believe in ones right to choose. The Mary Jane isn't any better or worse than any other substance out there legal or not. It really comes down to each individual person and how they handle themselves.
Would it create more jobs? Sure, but what would all the drug lords do? Who is going to feed their kids? What about Showtime's Weeds? It really just wouldn't be the same. They would definitely have to change some story lines, and come on Mary Louise Parker just got her career back!
Seriously, I know marijuana benefits many people and I am all for that. The problem comes in when addictions are now becoming the norm in society. Trust me, I know a thing or two about addictions, just read my blogs. It seems like we are all trying to escape from something in our lives. You have to know yourself and ask is this hurting anyone, is it hurting me, and am I not thinking of anyone else but me? Think on a higher level and beyond yourself, then the answers will come.
True but where do you draw the line?
Part of me says, if the government legalizes pot the country steps onto a slippery slope. Legalize pot and what do you legalize next? Mushrooms? Cocaine? Prescription pills? One could just as easily say, well, you legalized pot, why not legalize those things? Even the Netherlands, to some extent, is reconsidering their number of cannabis cafes. "Drug tourists", as they've been deemed appear to cause more problems than they're worth to country. And yet, those reasons aside, part of me thinks that our country has larger looming problems than the issue of legalizing pot. I mean, I live in Arizona and we've just been ranked the #2 kidnapping capital IN THE WORLD!!!
What a beehive of activity here on this topic regarding "ganga"! :p
Mad props for bringing up this controversial topic. There are a lot of pro's and con's to this subject matter. Bottom line, you DO have the freedom to voice your opinions. I read the comments posted on Ryan's myspace as well as yours and feel none of these statements are 100% right or wrong. Freedom of speech rings loud and clear..ding ding. BUT in both of your cases, I gather from the tone of the comments posted, you and Ryan are both in a proverbial fishbowl/lime light so it's not copasetic for fessing up to "jelly head experiences". Whether it's in a blog, vid, or pics of evidence. Granted, you or Ryan didn't have to share this info, but you both did. So kudos to that! :) ~Susie~ P.S. Belated 420 & Earth day. Remember to plant a tree or two! ;p Have an awesome day!
Right on brother
My question is why are those people in the commercial telling me about how they got fired and lost their scholarships for smoking pot? Last time I checked it was still illegal. They shouldn't have been doing it without trying to get it legalized first. They should have put all those facts into the commercial, not a bunch of people giving me their sob story.
I always find it hilarious how people get all pissed off about others using 'illegal' drugs.
Unless you have never taken an aspirin, tylenol... anything you can pick up in your pharmacy, or the liquor store or the local gas station, you are a hypocrite!!!
Watch the commercials on TV about the legal drugs (oh wait, we call it medication cos it's legal, right) your doctor endorses. Have you noticed the severe side effects that a majority of them have? Have you noticed that many of these side effects include severe organ damage and/ or death? Yet, this is supposed to be better and healthier than something I can grow in my backyard (and that's not just Cannabis... funny how they seem to have outlawed most plants).
Many, now illegal, drugs have barely any side effects (no, not experience) as long as they are controlled, clean and regulated, It's the cheap dirtbag gangster way of doing things that makes much of the 'illegal' stuff so dangerous.
Then we have the ones trying to protect the children. Someone think of the children!!! Well, great job so far. Drugs are more easily available than ever. Also maybe if parents were taking their job seriously and educating their children, they wouldn't feel the need to go out and explore the mysterious, forbidden fruits of reality.
It's a matter of personal responsibility and how the individual reacts to the drug (and yes, that includes cigarettes and alcohol and prescr. drugs and what not). After all you CHOOSE to do the drug or to kill someone or to drink and drive... (even a kid understands the concept of choice and if not, that's bad parenting) the drugs don't jump into your mouth and get you hooked, the gun in your hand didn't go off by itself... so if you make the choice to do something, better be prepared to take responsibility for everything that follows whenever, wherever.
Blaming the drug for the actions of people (especially disguised as prevention) is just as retarded as blaming inanimate objects for the actions of people as in 'The gun killed him', 'The drugs made him not pay his bills'...
But it is a much simpler solution that actually trying to fix real life problems such as bad parenting, bad education, bad counseling, bad health care, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, non-existing personal responsibility.
I agree that children should not have anything to do with drugs until they are capable of making their own choices in life (16, 17, 18) but I never see that kinda outrage when it comes to underage kids smoking cigs or getting drunk on the playground. Where are the 'Ban them, ban them' screamers then? Or do the effects of a drug change with their legal status in this world?
Seems to be the case.
Oh hey, did you know that back in the '30s they wanted to ban coffee cos some people just got hooked on it?! Yeeeahh... think about that.
I know quite a few people that are addicted to coffee. They spend tons and tons of money on it each week...well not coffee per say, but something highly caffeinated. When they don't get their normal intake of the stuff they get headaches and get really irritable and plain mean.
1/4 oz. Marijuana: $40
Munchie foods: $20
Police having to fill their quotas by arresting people who commit “actual crimes”: Priceless.
“The War on Drugs”, “The War on Terror”, have become focus group slogans for the government, in their unspoken secret, slimy mission of conquering the entire earth and all of it’s material resources and inhabitants by political, economic and military means. Oh, power and empire how government glorifyith thou!
But this is no cheap task to undertake. It takes serious money, and a big chunk of it comes from the trafficking in of illegal drugs (mostly heroin and cocaine) from covert U.S. government. The alleged “War on Drugs” is little more than a tactic to keep ridiculous profits and high street prices--a campaign of propaganda, demonizing even the use of softer drugs like marijuana, exploiting the urge of mankind to achieve altered states of consciousness, and making it one of the biggest money-making scams in the world. Drug offenders make up more than half of all federal inmates--HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of non-violent criminals crowding the cells for half of their lives--while the big money-makers on government payroll continue to rake in the big profits at everyone else‘s expense.
Knowledge is the first step to the political solution of this problem and of the evils that exist within the system.
Those who try to expose these truths are not, in turn, condoning the use of illegal drugs, but rather, are attempting to inform and break the silence instead of turning a cheek.
“... Illegal drugs, solely because of the artificial value given them by Prohibition, have become the basis of military power anywhere they can be grown and delivered in quantity. ... To this day American defense contractors are the biggest drug-money launderers in the world.” — Drug War: Covert Money, Power and Policy, p.318.
On 1997-05-22 the late Terence McKenna said, on the Art Bell radio talk show, in response to a caller's question as to why psychoactive drugs are illegal:
“Let me say this ... I mean, I'm a bit of a pessimist on this subject. Because I take psychedelics so seriously, I can't imagine them ever being really legal unless there's a total social transformation because my analysis of it is, the reason everybody from a Marxist state to a Christian oligarchy to a high-tech industrial democracy can get together and agree that psychedelics are a terrible terrible thing is because the social effects of psychedelics being taken by large numbers of people is a kind of deconditioning from the cultural myths, whatever they are. It's no knock on any given society, it's just that if people start taking psychedelics, they start questioning what they've been told about reality. And culture is in the business of keeping you inside a set of predetermined answers to those questions.”
"Think for yourself. Question authority. Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we're going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities: the political, the religious, the educational authorities, who have attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations. Informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness-- chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself. Think for yourself. Question authority."
-Timothy Leary
couldnt agree more
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