So there has been a recent sighting of a UFO in Israel on January 28th, 2011 at approximately 1:00 AM. Since then, several videos have sprung in connection with the event. Among the landfill of youtube'd videos we find four of which that have grabbed our attention... well at least some more so then others, but I will get to that in a moment.
Video 1 (Up for debate) *The video that started it all
Video 2 (Up for debate) *The man from the first video's perspective
Video 3 (Proven to be fake) *Uploaded by some person from the US.
This is nothing more then a still image. Still image has been provided below.
Video 4 (Up for debate) *I believe this is was uploaded by people who were there.
Interesting things to note
A - Location where UFO was near
B - Location where video 1 & 2 were shot
C - Location wehere video 4 was shot
Now I am sure that with todays technology it is easy to create a video such as this. Afterall, people were once fooled by the an old radio broadcast where an alien invasion occurred in New Jersey, and that relied on nothing more then sound. Yes, I have scoured the internet and have seen all the videos that debunk one another. I for one am not sold on the horizon perception theory. But thats the problem with any paranormal video out there. One can always scream debauchery and find that no matter what, there is no such thing as a proof positive piece of evidence.
Though I do have to wonder, how elaborate will a hoax go and for what purpose? It certainly seems that video 3 is clearly fake, and with over 400,000 views, I can't help but wonder, why would someone put out a deliberate fake. To ride the attention of reality, or to cover it up? Asking....ney pursuing questions like this can easily lead toward a spiral of confusion with every possible theory...well that's just it, everything and anything can be possible. Swamp gas, ball lightening, angels, aliens space craft, secret government space craft, hoaxers, government hiding reverse engineered alien space craft, greed, viral marketing for this summer's alien movie...etc and etc.
I guess in times of global change, of social revolution, UFOs are almost a reminder that if there is some form of intelligent life out there that has visited us over the years, we better hope they don't do to us what Europe did when it colonized America. I for one do not want to open up an Intergalactic Casino.
Now the 4th video appeared on the internet on Febuary 1st, and received very little attention, especially considering that it provides a much better angle of the event. I am curious to see if any more witnesses will come out, or will this fall into the internet abyss and become forgotten? What can I say, this white russian, just wants to believe. Thoughts?