memory card from my camera won't upload the photos to my computer. This makes me a sad Serg. Felt crazy exhausted last night, especially since we had to set up tech a night early. But it is amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I am ready to go out there and take photos, photos, photos....
How has everyones week going so far?
The thing that sucks about being gone for so long, especially when you do three investigations back to back, is that it gets hard to keep in touch with your loved ones. After I finally get some downtime, I tend to want to spend it by myself; to unwind, de-stress, relax. Furthermore, I've noticed that I've picked up some bad habits, which I need to start disciplining myself not to do and encourage doing things like stretching. My upper back is carrying a lot of stress and it needs to go.
But that is enough venting on my end. I am off to blow the next investigation out of the water....but first some green tea.
Here is an awesome photo I stumbled upon, while browsing the net.